The Stack: How A Datacentre Cut Energy Bills By £335,000

Find out how modular UPS helped one of our data centre clients cut their carbon emissions by nearly 72%.

Enough electricity to power 316 typical UK homes for a year. That’s the sort of energy savings that moving to a modular uninterruptible power supply produced for a Riello UPS client.

Logo for The data centre websiteWe share just how we achieved such significant savings with data centre news portal The Stack. Our client is one of the most recognisable suppliers of consumer goods suppliers in the country. They rely on two huge data centres to process significant volumes of customer information.

Their existing uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system had been installed around a decade ago. It was mostly made up of large, static 400 kVA and 800 kVA units, which were now wasting significant energy running on loads as low as 12%.

UPS efficiency measured just 92%. The large units generated so much heat the annual cooling costs alone were more than £315,000.

Moving To Modular

However, the development of modern modular UPS technologies meant the time was ripe for change. Upgrading wasn’t just desirable but essential.

Updating these old units with transformerless modular UPS Multi Power units immediately transformed the performance across the two data centres. UPS efficiency rocketed from 92% to 96%. The lighter and smaller modular UPS’s reduced the need for air conditioning by 71.81%.

We won’t spoil your enjoyment of the full case study, but the results are incredible. Annual energy savings of 1.25 million kWh, the equivalent of powering 316 houses for a year. Total annual energy savings of more than £335,000. Carbon emissions cut from 2,147kg to 603.5kg. It’s little wonder that this project was shortlisted at the DCS Awards 2018!

Read more about the savings modular UPS help bring over at The Stack website.