Introducing your Power Patrol

As part of our new feature, we’ll be introducing you to different members of our power protection team here at Riello UPS. First up, it’s our Business Development Manager Barry Jarvis.

Name: Barry Jarvis

What do you do at Riello?

Primarily, I am the Business Development Manager for our Reseller Channel which involves managing and developing business through our network of Power Resellers.

I also work ad-hoc on other projects throughout the business, such as marketing, our new Riello Hub and in-house software development and integration.

Why do you like working at Riello?

Riello has a unique ‘family’ feel to the way the business is run. As a person, I like to have an input into the development of a business. This fits perfectly with Riello’s approach as everybody here has the opportunity to make a real difference.

How would your work colleagues describe you?

My school reports used to contain phrases such as ‘class clown’ and ‘always entertaining’ – I’m not sure much has changed.

What advice would you give to someone about choosing the right power solution?

A backup power solution is a vital link in the successful operation of any business. You may never call upon its services, but if you do, you need to ensure that you’ve not only chosen the correct hardware, but also the services and company that surround that hardware.

Too many people focus on the specifications ‘on paper’ and forget about the companies and people they have to deal with to support that hardware. Riello is changing the face of customer service in the UPS industry for that very reason – there’s more to UPS than the big black box in the corner.

What has been the most important innovation you have witnessed in your lifetime?

The internet (as we know it now) – without the World Wide Web, there would be no Facebook, no iPhone, no online banking, no emails. Our dependence on internet based services can be concerning for some people, but without it, so many things we take for granted today wouldn’t exist.

What’s your proudest achievement so far, work and personal?

Although I took the decision to come back to the Sales team, it was a particularly proud moment when Riello approached me to become our Service Manager. This afforded me the opportunity to have a real impact on how the business moved forward and to help introduce industry leading Service Level Agreements.

My personal achievements are somewhat linked to my career, as it is my achievements in work that have enabled my wife to become free of work stresses and my children to have a stable family home.

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us:

I secretly want to be Ray Mears and I have never seen any of the Star Wars films.

Do you have a pet?

I have two cats – one of which we took on recently after their owners moved away and left it behind.

Where did you last go on holiday?

I own a caravan in Borth, near Aberystwyth, so naturally we go there a lot. We also like to go to Menorca each year.

What track gets you on the dancefloor?

I grew up listening to a lot of R&B and Hip-Hop music so they would be my preferred genres, however, on the night I’ll attempt to dance to almost anything.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

Cars – I have a huge passion for cars. Not being able take a car out for a drive around North Wales would be a sad day.